Manajemen Rongga Mulut

This report made to meet a final exam the first half lecture dental assistant the first half IV

Created By,

Name          :  Anggi Ratna Prahestri
NIM             :  P1337425215011
Lectures      :  drg. Lanny Sunardjo, MDSc

Based on the health minister republic of indonesia no: 378 / menkes / skiii / 2007 about standards of a profession the dental hygienist, that what is meant by the dental hygienist is one of the constituents health service providers teeth at an institution health services as hospitals, puskesmas and other health facilities significantly has dedicated himself in indonesia since 1953 at first school graduates officers in teeth.
Written there that their performance the core of a nurse teeth as an assistant to a dentist , among other: help
a.    The ability of operators in routine care in the dental clinic ( as the chair side assistant ) .
b.    Procedure ability help the restoration of the teeth and a surgical procedure the mouth and  periodontal .
c.    The ability of preparing and apply the use of materials on treatment teeth patients .
d.    Ability help doctors dentistry or to dentists a specialist in the treatment of patients . The ability of manipulation
e.    Molding material and forming a mold for the study .
f.     The ability of preparing and do topical treatment / solution set by a dentist or dentist a specialist .
g.    Its capacity to isolation the cavity of the mouth 
That would be a discussion in my paper this time is the ability of a Dental Nurse in assisting the dentist in the isolation of the oral cavity.
A.    Understanding isolation the cavity of the mouth
Isolation the cavity of the mouth is a technique that is done to remove fluid and splinters oral cavity, to control over saliva around teeth will be treated ( mosby comprehensive review of dental assisting, betty ladley, etc. ).Isolation the cavity of the mouth too are defined as the act of is conducted to gather regional work clean and dry, easily seen, facilitate operators in work and convenience for patients ( of teaching materials dental assistant of nursing teeth, 2016 ).Isolation regional employment is instrument which overcome a disorder in care restorative and endodontic in the work like disorder saliva and of the tongue ( strength asmalia; 2013 ).

B.    The Purpose Of Isolation The Cavity of the Mouth
The Purpose of isolation the cavity of the mouth is to maintain regional care to keep clean, dry asepsis, free room contamination saliva. In addition minimize movement a patient to always gargling , so that it will long time care

C.   All Kind of isolation of the mouth cavity
a.    Salivary Ejector
Saliva ejector is a isolation the cavity of teh mouth useful to stuck saliva in the procces treatment of dental. Saliva ejector is one of Assistan’t unit that is on the left patients, so that a assistant take full responsibillity when operating this device, especially conducted at:
1)      Preparation of the cavity
2)      Sterilization of the cavity
3)      Patching material filling
4)      Scalling
Saliva ejector has two kinds of  tip, that which is made of plastic is dispossible tip and of stainless steel who always sterilizatin/desinfection.
The manner of using :
a)      Put dispossible tip on saliva ejector.
b)      Press a button “ON” on dental unit.
c)      Rotate buttons saliva ejector so that sounded a rumbling noise air
d)      Saliva the ejector enter into the cavity of the mouth especially in the area vestibulum oris bottom and under the tongue
b.    Suction
Suction work is similar to saliva ejector, only sucked is besides saliva can also sucked blood.So this suction more precise used at the time of action exodontia or surgical mouth and is part of assistant’s unit. How to operate suction and saliva ejector mostly the same.
c.    Tongue Holder
Tongue holder is a isolation the cavity of the mouth with system work retaining the tongue to ease the process of working operators in care .His application used along with cotton roll .

Tongue holder consisting of:
1.    Retaining the tongue
2.    Retaining the chin
3.    Stalk and klep
4.    Klep a brace
5.    Per on a stalk
6.    Klep officers retaining the chin
Way the installation of tongue holder:
1)    Specify side of the jaw which to be fitted tongue holder
2)    Pairs of retaining the tongue in stalk and klep
3)    Pairs of cotton roll on the tongue
4)    Tongue holder ready fitted
5)    Set klep retaining the chin
d.    Cotton Roll
Cotton roll been an shaped rolls cotton laid on the not / labial and lingual depends elements teeth who are treated.Discharging isolation cavity other mouth can be replaced by cotton roll.Cotton roll can made of cotton or paper tissue.
Requirements making Cotton Roll :
1.    For patients adult long: 3-4 elements of the permanent teeth diameter: 1 cm
2.    For patients children long: 3-4 elements deciduous teeth diameter: 0,5 cm
       Way the installation of cotton roll :
a)    Open mucous the mouth with using tinted the mouth
b)    Flops cotton roll by using dental tweezers
c)    Put on part buccal / labial and lingual to workspace the lower jaw, and on the buccal / lingual to workspace the upper jaw.
d)    Put on of position that does not make patients feel uncomfortable..

e.    Rubber Dam
Rubber and ( isolation rubber ) first discovered in 1864 by sanford barnum.This device made of rubber thin, usually in the form of rectangular.This device is effective isolate the work ( one tooth or more in the cavity of the mouth.
Very good to isolate and procedure endodontic , ektraksi radiks , and care the root canal , as well as treatment repair .
The use and rubber dam:
1)    To maintain regional operation to keep clean , dry , asepsis , free from contamination saliva .
2)    To keep patients not to ingested intrumen small , filler material , drugs , tissue , pulpa who necrosis
3)    Protect the tongue , the cheek and the lips or all soft tissue that were not hurt by means of used
4)    Reduce contact instrument with mucous , in order to reduce of the injury on a network and reduce bleeding
5)    Provide comfort in patients so that the patient feel great because protected by means of this
6)    To prevent fetor of the patients wafted by a doctor or operator so that it can be disturb the way of the process care 
Rubber dam consisting of:
1)    Rubber sheets of sheets by size 5x5 inches atu 6x6 inches.Is hollowed out and associated on the teeth or some of the teeth.
2)    Rubber and stamp of rubber and ink that serves as markers the teeth.
3)    Rubber and punc this section serves to make holes at rubber sheet along 0.5 - 2.5 mm. shaped like tang, with one side wheel-shaped and on the other hand shaped like rubber pointed, which part of pointed will entered the shaft.When punc pressed so rubber sheet who had been given a will perforated
4)    Clamps serves to holding rubber sheet on the teeth and set aside gingival of the teeth .Size this device various .
5)    Forceps this section serves to install and release clamps .Dental floss
6)    This device shaped like thread used to find a way if regional interproximal teeth too closely packed together .It also serves to hold rubber sheet from happening a leak in surrounding the teeth who are treated
7)    Rubber and holder shaped the framework or frame of a metallic substance / plastic shaped like the letter “u” .
How to install and rubber draught :
1.    Explain to the patient what will be done
2.    If there are teeth calculus on patients , then to be done especially if scalling calculus located on the teeth that will be treated
3.    Choose clamps which will be used , then attempted in the jaw of patients
4.    Dental floss use in the an interdental to ease rubber sheet to enter .
5.    The installation of rubber and - take dental floss with panajng to taste to bind clamps .Use if clamps off will fall no / ingested . - and then clamps mounted on teeth there are two kinds of how to install rubber and;
a)    Set up rubber sheet first then set up clamps , or
b)    Set up clamps first then admit rubber sheet
6.    Check breathing patients , whether the patient felt disturbed for a nose obstructed rubber sheet or not .
7.    Dry teeth
8.    Matches saliva ejector
9.    Dab solution antiseptic on the teeth and rubber and around teeth patients

D.   The role of dental assistant in helping isolate the cavity of the mouth if before that it was sufficient just a dentist just providing service, now in developed countries such as the united states, service given by a team comprised of dentist, dental hygenist, dental assistant, and dental technician.Dentist is a dentist providing service dentistry.Dental a hygienist on duty fill record medical, and do the act of preventive dentistry like cleansing tartar independently.Dental assistant serving as an assistant who help a dentist take tools, prepared material, control saliva, cleanse the mouth, as well as maintain light the light for a procedure care being done.And dental technician working in a laboratory, make protesa and the tools to be fitted at the mouth of patients.
In indonesia the condition a little different , known only 2 the health profession teeth out a dentist namely the dental hygienist and tekniker teeth .The dental hygienist in charge as dental assistant and dental a hygienist , while tekniker teeth on duty same as dental technician .At the time  service dentistry done only there are two of people who are in about a patient that is a dentist and dental assistant. second this guy is different , but mutual support .So that bore the term four handed dentistry.
In the concept of four handed dentistry known the concept of the division of zone work, called clock concept.There are four zone namely, static zone, transfer zone, operator’s zone and assistant’ s zone.The dental hygienist work on an area of assistant’s zone, in these zones dental unit furnished with three way syringe, saliva ejector, and light the cure unit.
One of the tasks of the dental hygienist as dental assistant is to isolation the cavity of the mouth , namely action in order to gain regional work clean and dry , easily seen , facilitate operators in work and comfortable for patients .In the practice of isolation the cavity of the mouth , a nurse teeth serve as dental assistant have to make sure the purpose of isolation cavity the mouth of it achieved properly .The dental hygienist responsibility to maintain that view operator in the area work not obstructed by debris and saliva , keep other liquid with which be in the cavity of the mouth not contaminating the material filling in was conducted repair , and prevent tertelannya materials or fluid during care done ( of teaching materials dental assistant of nursing teeth , 2016 ) .

E.    Conclusions from the above description in chapter earlier ,
It can be obtained the conclusion that:
1.    Based on the health minister republic of indonesia no: 378 / menkes / skiii / 2007 about standards of a profession the dental hygienist , that what is meant by the dental hygienist is one of the constituents health service providers teeth at an institution health services as hospitals , puskesmas and other health facilities significantly has dedicated himself in indonesia since 1953 at first school graduates officers in teeth ( sprg ) .
2.    Written there that the core of a nurse teeth as an assistant to a dentist one of them is helping isolate the oral cavity patients .
3.    Isolation cavity the mouth is a technique done to remove fluid and splinters dirongga mouth , to control over saliva around gear will be treated ( mosby comprehensive review of assisting dental , betty ladley , dkk )
4.    The purpose of isolation the cavity of the mouth is to maintain regional care to keep clean , dry asepsis , free from contamination saliva .In addition minimize movement a patient to always berkvv age , so that it will long time care
5.    Instrument used to isolate the cavity of the mouth among others saliva ejector , suction , tongue holder , cotton roll and rubber and .
6.    Dental assistant serving as an assistant who help a dentist take tools , prepared material , control saliva , cleanse the mouth , as well as maintain light the light for a procedure care being done

F.    Advice that can be writer talk about is:
It was hoped after for the delivery of material this we can all increase insight knowledge of the role of dental assistant in helping isolate the cavity of the mouth , especially for the dental hygienist in indonesia .


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